What Will Matter

PERSONAL NOTE: My favorite Father’s Day presents in 2012 (I also got a great watch)

Papa, You’re the greatest man I know. Thank you for always being there for me and guiding me. You’re the closest thing to a superhero. You know your dad’s awesome when you’d love him even if he wasn’t your dad. Lucky enough for me, he is my dad. Coolest dad I could ask for.
I love you, Michael Josephson. Looking forward to many, many, many more years of annoying you.
– Your favorite daughter, Mataya, June 17, 2012

Happy Father’s Day to the best father I know. You are so loving, caring and strong. I know you are always on my side and my biggest supporter. I love you, Daddy. – Samara, June 17, 2012

Happy fathers day to the best one I could ask for. Thank you for your unwavering support, for teaching me everything I know, and for loving me unconditionally. I love you more than you’ll ever know. – Carissa, June 17,2012

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