What Will Matter

MEMO From Michael

It’s been a busy month for us as we adjust to our new, very lean staff resulting from the downsizing last month. If you value what we do either personally or what we are doing for the world, please, please consider making a donation here. I know these are difficult times for everyone, but even $5 or $10 could make a difference if enough people contribute.
Donate online »

I want to call your attention to two new self-test surveys. We hope you enjoy them. 1. The Ideal Employee  Is that you? Score yourself and see.And 2. The True Friend How true are you? Rate yourself.

Finally, we published this week a document we hope will have long-term impact on education.Critical Educational Outcomes: Model Standards for Academic, Social, Emotional, and Character Development. (see more in the posting below) provides educators with a comprehensive road map to integrate all the educational outcomes crucial to preparing students, not only to be ready for college and career(the key goal of the Common Core standards schools are adopting) but to help them lead personally fulfilling and socially responsible lives.

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