I Am a Work in Process

I am a work in process. I am not as good as I want to be I am not as good as I should be. I will never be perfect, but I can strive everyday to be the best person I can be. And I can take pride that I am better than I used to be and not as …

Advice for Being Your Best Self

1.   Be yourself. Mindless conformity is a prison; express yourself authentically and don’t be afraid to stand out, but don’t go to extremes just to be different, or just prove you can. You don’t need orange hair, a nose ring or tattoos to be special. In the end, it’s more important to be respected  than notorious. 2.   Don’t expect too much or settle …

Happiness is Fulfillment

Things You Can Do To Improve The World Thing of happiness in terms of fulfillment, not fun. Indulge yourself in the pleasure that comes from living a worthy life in the company of people you love and in the service of something bigger than yourself.