I think it’s a silent fantasy of most parents that someday their child will win an Oscar or a Nobel Prize and in the acceptance speech declare, “I owe it all to my mom and dad.” Well, the occasion wasn’t as grand, but these comments in my daughter Mataya’s bat mitzvah speech were as good as it gets:
Hi, mommy. When I was little, I thought your purse was magic. You carried it everywhere and you’d always be able to do anything. Get us where we wanted, do all your work, and just do everything. It was honestly like having Wonder Woman as your mom. So I thought anyone that great must have super powers. And, logically, the purse was what was holding all your magic. After a while, I realized your purse wasn’t magic. This was a huge upset, but the only thing that changed was that I knew the magic wasn’t from the purse. I figured out it was you. You are Super Mom. I don’t know anyone who could have this many kids, responsibilities, a million other things, and be able to do it all. All my life I’ve thought my mom – or at least one of her accessories – was magical, and that has never stopped. Mom, you are the greatest. You are able to run your own gym, have four kids, care for all of them, get us all we need, support us, and always put us first. You are the most amazing and hard-working person I know. You are there with us whenever we need you. I love you, mom.
Makes it all worth it doesn’t it?
This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts.