WORTH SEEING: Poster: Doing

Doing what you must is DUTY Doing what you should is VIRTUE Doing what you can is SERVICE Doing what you are afraid of is COURAGE Doing what you like is FREEDOM Liking what you do is HAPPINESS

Five Birds on a Wire

WORTH SEEING: Poster. There are five birds on a wire. Two decide to fly south.  How many are left? The answer: five. Deciding to do something  is not the same as actually doing it. Your future is determined by actions, not good intentions.

WORTH SEEING: Watch your thoughts . . .

Watch your THOUGHTS; they lead to attitudes. Watch your ATTITUDES; they lead to words. Watch your WORDS; they lead to actions. Watch your ACTIONS; they lead to habits. Watch your HABITS; they form your character. Watch your CHARACTER CHARACTER DETERMINES YOUR DESTINY

MEMO From Michael: 9/11, Colombia, New Survey on Education

Thoughts on September 11 Re-experiencing the 9/11 attacks is always a traumatic experience for me. I’ve posted several videos I think you will find worth your time. One cannot think about this shocking proof of our vulnerability without some anxiety and deep sorrow for the loss of life and of our innocent naiveté about our safety. Two images are etched …

NEW SURVEY: The State of Education in America

The Josephson Institute has just launched a new comprehensive survey for educators (school board members, superintendents, principals and other administrators, teachers and school staff) and parents of children in school. It is designed to be one of the most comprehensive and influential studies of the trends, opinions and actions of administrators, teachers, students and parents. We hope to have at …

COMMENTARY: Making the Best of Family Relationships

For most of us, there’s something both wonderful and worrisome about large family gatherings. On the good side, we often can experience real pleasure in spending time with relatives with whom we have so many common memories. What’s more, being with parents, siblings, and cousins who have known us since childhood often helps us see ourselves

QUOTE: How many times do you get to lie before you are a liar? How many times can someone lie to you before you start asking yourself: What else has he/she lied to me about?

The moral significance and real life impact of lies embedded in the concept of trust. Your ability to generate and sustain trust is not dependent on the frequency of lying but the capacity of the lie to damage or destroy trust. The best liars hardly ever lie, not because they are more honest but because they are more clever. They …

MEMO From Michael: Bound for Bogota — and Medellin!

As mentioned in last week’s updates, I’ll be in Colombia next week. I will post dispatches on the What Will Matter Facebook page, so be sure to Like that page so you can stay in the loop. Much of this week has been spent collaborating with Dr. Gary Smit, the de facto dean of our national CHARACTER COUNTS! training faculty, and two of …