Of all the things I do for the Josephson Institute, raising money is the most uncomfortable. I’ve had to accept, however, that public support is a critical aspect of our ability to help improve the ethical quality of society, an audacious (if not arrogant) ambition. Shortly after I became a father for the first time (I now have five exceptional adult children) I answered an inner call to do something to make the world a better place. So, in honor of my parents, I left my very comfortable position as a tenured law professor to create the Joseph & Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics. I had no idea how far we could go or what influence we might have. We have achieved far less than I wish but far more than many thought possible with innovative strategies to develop good character in young people through CHARACTER COUNTS and Pursuing Victory With Honor programs. And through my writings, speaking and training efforts I have done what I could to induce, encourage and assist educators, police officers, politicians, business and public agency executives, and anyone else who would pay attention to hear and heed their better angels. The fact that you are reading this is proof that you have some appreciation for my efforts. Please include the Josephson Institute in your year-end giving so we can continue and expand our work.
Please send checks to: The Josephson Institute, 8117 W. Manchester Avenue #830, Playa del Rey, CA 90293 or click here to donate online.
Michael Josephson