Stand Together & Be Kind

Yeah my friends are different. Do you have a problem with that? STAND TOGETHER! Be kind. Read more of Michael Josephson‘s thoughts on being a TRUE friend here:

True Friends Always Forgive

True friends always forgive each other because their friendship is more important than anything they were upset about. – Michael Josephson Read more of Michael’s thoughts on friendship here:

Friends Aren’t Perfect

We have to make room in our lives for people who may sometimes disappoint or exasperate us. If we hold our friends to a standard of perfection, or if they do that to us, we will end up far lonelier than we want to be. – Harold Kushner

A Good Companion

A good companion is someone you spend time with when you want to have a good time. True friend is someone you want to be with when you’ve had a bad time. It’s great when they are the same person. – Michael Josephson