True friends don’t just like you, they care about you. True friends want the best for you and bring out the best in you.
Stand Together & Be Kind
Yeah my friends are different. Do you have a problem with that? STAND TOGETHER! Be kind. Read more of Michael Josephson‘s thoughts on being a TRUE friend here:
Trust is the Foundation of Friendship
Be worthy of your best friend’s secrets. Trust is the foundation of friendship.
True Friends Always Forgive
True friends always forgive each other because their friendship is more important than anything they were upset about. – Michael Josephson Read more of Michael’s thoughts on friendship here:
Friends Aren’t Perfect
We have to make room in our lives for people who may sometimes disappoint or exasperate us. If we hold our friends to a standard of perfection, or if they do that to us, we will end up far lonelier than we want to be. – Harold Kushner
A Good Companion
A good companion is someone you spend time with when you want to have a good time. True friend is someone you want to be with when you’ve had a bad time. It’s great when they are the same person. – Michael Josephson
Friendship is a Million Little Things!
Friendship is no big thing It’s a million little things
Friends: If You Want One Be One
A good friend halves your sorrows and doubles your joy. If you want one, be one.
A True Friend Knows Your Song
“A friend knows the song in your heart and sings it to you when your memory fails.” – Donna Roberts
Be a better friend.
Support, encourage, advise, listen and console with love and kindness. Experience gratification in
Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude
Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude People with positive attitudes make better employees, better friends, and better mates.
Good Friends Aren’t Just Companions
Good companions are people you spend time with when you want to have a good time. Good friends are the people you want to be with when you’ve had a bad time. ~ Michael Josephson
True Friendship A-Z by Michael Josephson
True Friendship: From A-Z By Michael Josephson Accepts you as you are Believes in you Celebrates your successes Defends you Encourages you Forgives you no