HOW FULL IS YOUR GLASS? The Optimist says the glass is half full. The Pessimist says
Ideas Need Action
“Ideas without action are like beautifully wrapped gift boxes with nothing inside.” – Michael Josephson
VIDEO: Change The World
“When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, …
Summer Fruit
“Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb…that’s where the fruit is.” – Jackson Browne
OBSERVATION: Giving Advice
Observations about advice: 1) Proverb: “To be successful is to follow the advice you give to others.” Why are we so much smarter, more sensible, and stronger when we are dealing with problems of others? 2) Samuel Coleridge: “Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.” Giving …