Always Do Your Best It increases your chances of success and it wins the respect of others.
Never Let Success Get To Your Head
Never let success get to your head. Never let failure get in your heart.
The Way Things Turn Out
Things turn our best for people who make the best of the way things turn out A positive outlook is the key to success and happiness!
What’s Holding You Back?
If you could fly wherever you wanted, where would you go? What’s holding you back?
Is It Worth It?
Don’t ask if is going to be easy. Ask if it’s going to be worth it. – Michael Josephson
Optimism: The Key to Success
Optimism breeds success. Be optimistic. Your life improves with a positive attitude.
The Key to Success
The first step is always the hardest. They key to success is getting started.
COMMENTARY: The Application of Religion to Business
Most Americans say they’re religious and their beliefs are important to their lives, yet I’m astonished at how many seem to ignore their religion’s moral expectations and
Greatest Quotations Ever on Success and Failure
Compiled by Michael Josephson. — The Nature of Success — Failure is an event, never a person. – William D. Brown The only real failure in life is not to be true