COMMENTARY 775.1: Mothers — Saints or Scapegoats?
What class of people has been more glorified or vilified than Mothers? On the one hand, we are frequently confronted with an idealized image of the sainted, angel mother, often with white hair and hands callused from work. She is the embodiment of the most beneficent human qualities: nurturing, loving, devoted and wise. And she is the favorite subject of …
COMMENTARY 774.1: Acting on Principle and Good Intentions
I once heard a story about an emergency medical technician I’ll call Jake who was summoned to help an unconscious woman. When he arrived, she had no pulse. From her color and dilated eyes, he could tell she’d suffered serious brain damage. Still, he did his job exceptionally well, trying over and over to restart her heart. She finally regained …
OBSERVATION: Authentic constructive criticism must be motivated by a sincere desire to help, and delivered in a way that engenders gratitude rather than defensiveness or resentment.
If you want to be a positive force in someone’s life, it’s wise to remember that few people are truly open to criticism of any sort from any source. If you want to grow, understand more, and get better at whatever you do, it’s wise to be open to learn from every sort of criticism from any source. Implicit in …
OBSERVATION: Expressing Appreciation — Why is it that so many of us wait until it is too late to experience and express real gratitude to those who gave us the gifts of love, wisdom, and encouragement?
Why do we wait to put our deepest emotions into eulogies? Everyone should have the pleasure of hearing the eulogies they have earned. The greatest gift you can give someone you love is to express sincerely your appreciation for the things that they have given you. It might be a parent, grandparent, brother or sister. Maybe it’s a teacher, coach …
QUOTE: “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” — Bernard Baruch
[We are glad you visited us to find out the story on this well known quote. The Josephson Institute is a nonprofit organization devoted to increasing the ethical quality of individual and personal decision making. I hope you’ll browse our other entries and subscribe to our What Will Matter blog at (it’s free) and/or our What Will Matter Facebook …
QUOTES: The Best Wise and Witty Quotes about Children and Parenting
We are glad you visited us to find this selection of quotes on a topic that means so much to me – children and parenting. The Josephson Institute is a nonprofit organization devoted to increasing the ethical quality of individual and personal decision making. I hope you’ll browse our other entries and subscribe to our What Will Matter blog at …
WORTH SEEING AND READING: Happy Together or Alone: Words and Images About Love and Relationships
click to see images (new images added March 23, 2012)
COMMENTARY 766.2: Appreciating Appreciation
There’s a song titled “Thank God for Dirty Dishes” that makes the point that if you’re lucky to have enough food to make dirty dishes, you should be grateful. So instead of grousing about your property taxes, be thankful you own property. When you have to wait in line at the bank or are stuck in traffic, just be grateful …
WORTH READING: Dealing With Grief: 17 Deep Thoughts for Dark Times
There are no magic potions or secret strategies to deal with grief but here is a selection of special quotations and poems that might provide some perspective, if not comfort. 1. Sorrow makes us all children again — destroys all differences of intellect. The wisest know nothing. — Ralph Waldo Emerson 2. Time is a physician that heals every grief. …
COMMENTARY: Dealing With Grief — If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going
A few years ago I spoke at a fundraising dinner for the Erika Whitmore Godwin Foundation, the creation of Susan and Wendell Whitmore, a couple who transformed their personal mountain of sorrow into a living monument to their daughter Erika who died in the prime of her life. The Whitmores created a website,, to help parents and others maimed …
QUOTES: All About Courage — 64 Great Quotes on the Nature of Courage
The Josephson institute is a nonprofit organization that depends on contributions from people like you. Please help us make a more ethical society or simply show your gratitude for whatever value you find in our work by making a tax-deductible donation at See Images of and Words of Courage here. QUOTES ON COURAGE Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human …
COMMENTARY 763.2 The Presidents Day Un-Celebration — Honoring Not Just the Great, But All U.S. Presidents
If you’re not going to school or work today, it’s because it’s a national holiday. The country used to celebrate the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln separately, but in 1971 Richard Nixon and Congress, in order to create a perpetual three-day weekend, merged the two holidays into a brand new one called “Presidents’ Day,” to honor all U.S. …
QUOTE: There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.
REMINDER: If you want to feel good, watch: This TED presentation by Louie Schwartzberg The gratitude dance The follow-up to the gratitude dance I think you will be glad you did.
COMMENTARY: Understanding Gratitude: Gifts From the Heart
According to legend, a young man roaming the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. The water was so sweet he filled his leather canteen so he could bring some back to a tribal elder who had been his teacher. After a four-day journey, he presented the water to the old man, who took a deep drink, smiled warmly, …
WORTH WATCHING: Gratitude Dance — It will make you smile.
I posted this back in November, but it’s so relevant I’m posting it again.
COMMENTARY 759.5: Ten Truths for the Person in Charge
Based on years of managing several organizations, including the Josephson Institute of Ethics, and on extensive consultation with large and small organizations, I’ve distilled much of what I believe and advocate into “Ten Truths.” I hope you find this list helpful. Feel free to share it with colleagues and friends. (Or print this mini-poster version of the list.) Everyone rationalizes; including you. (We’re all …
COMMENTARY: Stars Above and Stars Within 756.4
According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, two-thirds of the world’s population, including almost everyone in the continental United States and Europe, no longer see a starry sky where they live. The reason: City lights prevent us from seeing much more than a canopy of gray shadows. What a pity. In rural or remote areas with little or …
COMMENTARY: Enough Is Enough
What does it take to make you happy? How much do you have to have to be grateful? To the barefoot man, happiness is a pair of shoes. To the man with old shoes, it’s a pair of new shoes. To the man with new shoes, it’s more stylish shoes. And of course, the fellow with no feet — he’d …
OBSERVATION: Scientific evidence and personal experience teach us that approaching each daily task and our lives in general with a positive attitude (optimism, enthusiasm, confidence) significantly increases actual success and enhances personal happiness. Yet many of us stifle our careers and pollute our personal relationships by persistent negativity. Just as losing weight and keeping it off is really hard, so is losing self-defeating attitudes and staying positive — but it’s doable and worth it. The strategy: self-consciously cultivate optimism.
Here are some suggestions to help you more consistently reap the benefits of positivity.
Personal Note From Michael Josephson: Closing Out 2011, Entering 2012
As I began to write this note conveying my best wishes to you for a happy and fulfilling New Year, I asked myself whether 2011 was, for me, a good year or a bad year. And, of course, my mind quickly filled with conflicting memories of happy and sad moments, achievements and disappointments, and the recognition that every year has …
WORTH READING: Why Living a Life of Gratitude Can Make You Happy
by Leo Babauta “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘Thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart Many days, I try to humble myself and hold a 2-minute gratitude session. I simply sit or kneel, with no distractions, close my eyes, and think about what I’m grateful for and who I’m grateful for. I don’t do it every …
Achievements and Challenges: A Personal Note from Michael
Dear Friend, This has been a year full of great achievements and challenges. On the achievement side, the Josephson Institute and CHARACTER COUNTS! have expanded our impact on children and the nation through the introduction of CHARACTER COUNTS! 4.0 (a major upgrade in strategy and services). We have begun to restore the best of Puerto Rico’s ethical culture with Tus …