Teachers: The Decisive Element

I AM THE DECISIVE ELEMENT IN THE CLASSROOM. It’s my personal approach that creates the CLIMATE. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I POSSES A TREMENDOUS POWER to make a child’s like miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or heal. In all situations, …

What is a Teacher?

VIDEO: What is a Teacher?

“What Is a Teacher? A teacher is someone who sees each child as a unique person and encourages individual talents and strengths. A teacher looks beyond each child’s face and sees inside their souls. A teacher is someone with a special touch and a ready smile, who takes the time to listen to both sides and always tries to be …

COMMENTARY: Working to Teach Character Together

When I talk to parents and teachers about the role of schools in teaching character someone usually points out that character development is and should be the primary concern of parents. Who can argue with that? Many of the attitudes and habits that make up character are learned at home. But they’re learned elsewhere as well — on the school …

COMMENTARY: School Principal: The Most Difficult CEO Job in the Nation

Schools all over the nation are struggling to modify their strategies to meet the Common Core demands regarding critical thinking and problem solving. They must also find ways to teach 21st Century workplace skills, enhance students’ social and emotional development, and, of course, build their character so they become responsible and productive citizens. Oh, they must also be sure to create an …

Five Things to Teach your Children

Five things to teach your children 1. Be a good friend. 2. Be kind even to those who don’t deserve it. 3. Learn from every experience. 4. Do your share even when others aren’t doing theirs. 5. Start and finish a job even when you don’t feel like it.