US Senate and President Declare: Character Counts Week!. At a time dominated by news of mail bombs and verbal grenades from zealous partisans, who would have thought it was possible that the entire United State Senate and the President could agree that, of all things, that character still counts? Well, it happened through a unanimously endorsed Resolution and Presidential Proclamation declaring the third …
Governor Robert D. Ray: A Champion of CHARACTER COUNTS!
It’s with a heavy heart that we share the news that Governor Robert D. Ray has passed away earlier this week. Governor Robert D. Ray played a major role in bringing the CHARACTER COUNTS! program to Iowa which is now headquartered at The Robert D. and Billie Ray Center at Drake University. The Character Counts‘ team sends our deepest regards to the Ray family …
Josephson Institute & CHARACTER COUNTS! End of Year Fundraiser
As 2017 comes to an end, please consider making a donation to the Josephson Institute and CHARACTER COUNTS! end of the year fund raising campaign. Your donation will help us continue our ever-growing mission of teaching ethics and character to the world! It is not enough that we express our gratitude we must experience it. – Michael Josephson
Josephson Institute & CHARACTER COUNTS! End of Year Fundraiser
It’s your last chance to donate to the CHARACTER COUNTS! and the Josephson Institute end of year fundraising campaign! $15, $25, $50, $100 – any amount helps us fund our mission of healing the world through ethics and character! “Gratitude should be felt and experienced sincerely, expressed generously and received graciously.” – Michael Josephson
Josephson Institute & CHARACTER COUNTS! End of Year Fundraiser
This holiday season, please consider a donation to CHARACTER COUNTS! and the Josephson Institute to support our mission of healing the world through ethics and character! It is not enough that we express our gratitude, we must experience it. – Michael Josephson
Josephson Institute & CHARACTER COUNTS! End of Year Fundraiser
This holiday season, please consider a donation to CHARACTER COUNTS! and the Josephson Institute to support our mission of healing the world through ethics and character! “Gratitude should be felt and experienced sincerely, expressed generously and received graciously.” – Michael Josephson
Presidential National Character Counts Week Proclamation
Happy CHARACTER COUNTS! Week We hope you take the opportunity this week to reflect on the Six Pillars of Character and how you can improve yourself and your community! Below find both the President’s CHARACTER COUNTS! Week proclamation below: Presidential CHARACTER COUNTS! Week Proclamation Additionally, read the Senate’s CHARACTER COUNTS! Week proclamation here.
Senate National Character Counts Week Proclamation
Happy CHARACTER COUNTS! Week We hope you take the opportunity this week to reflect on the Six Pillars of Character and how you can improve yourself and your community! Below find both the Senate’s CHARACTER COUNTS! Week proclamation below: Senate CHARACTER COUNTS! Week Proclamation Additionally, read the President’s CHARACTER COUNTS! Week proclamation here.
Worth Reading: Trump proclaims ‘National Character Counts Week’
Every year since 1993 the US Senate passed a bipartisan Resolution declaring National CHARACTER COUNTS! Week, read USA TODAY‘s coverage of this years resolution below. Read full article here:
Michael Josephson spreads the Character Counts message in South America!
Michael Josephson recently traveled to Colombia and Bolivia to spread the Character Counts movement! Some highlights include meeting the famous La Paz Zebras in Bolivia which garnered a full two page spread in a major newspaper! Michael also had two TV and one radio interview about bringing Character Counts to Bolivia. Michael also spent an incredible day at Saint Andrews school in …
To all teachers: We hope you find these posters a useful resource for teaching character and ethics in your classroom.
COMMENTARY: Working to Teach Character Together
When I talk to parents and teachers about the role of schools in teaching character someone usually points out that character development is and should be the primary concern of parents. Who can argue with that? Many of the attitudes and habits that make up character are learned at home. But they’re learned elsewhere as well — on the school …
BUFFALO PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADOPT CHARACTER COUNTS! This week, about 80 more principals, counselors and teachers will receive their certificates as CHARACTER COUNTS!
OBSERVATION: Hard Times Test Our (My) Principles and Character
Life continually tests our principles and character with unanticipated twists and turns. Right now my convictions about positivity and gratitude are severely tested by economic pressures causing the nonprofit Josephson Institute to sharply reduce staff (from 32 to 16) and re-think how we can continue to pursue our mission in a world where schools have no funds for our program …
COMMENTARY 751.2: What Is Character?
Here’s a riddle: You can hardly ever find it anymore — especially in politics or business. Lots of schools don’t teach it anymore. We want more of it in our children and in all the adults who interact with them. We want it from our bosses and the people who fix our cars. And most of us believe we have …
OBSERVATION: Character is destiny. – Heraclitus
Of course, our character shapes our destiny. We must not forget, however, we shape our character. Thus, character may determine our fate, but character is not determined by fate. It is
Doing The Right Thing
Character is doing the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay. – Michael Josephson
WORTH READING: THE ASPEN DECLARATION. In July 1992, the Josephson Institute of Ethics hosted a summit in Aspen, Colorado bringing together ethicists, educators and youth-service professionals to identify shared ethical values that could be the foundation of character education programs. The result was the Aspen Declaration, the seminal document for the CHARACTER COUNTS! movement which presently engages about 7 million children and families worldwide. (click to see the Declaration)
Click to see 12′ x 25′ mural by Nadi Spencer at Monson Sultana School in Tulare County, CA
COMMENTARY: We Are All Ethical In Our Own Eyes
Think of the most ethical person you know. Do a lot of people come to mind or only a few? Are you having trouble thinking of anyone? If I asked that question of the people who know you well, how many would name you? Almost all? About half? Just a few? Unless this commentary makes you more humble, you will …