Though the fires are close, I am grateful that all family and possessions are safe, but the enormity of these fires is humbling and frightening. It forces reflection about what is really important. Deciding the “must saves” if rapid evacuation is required leaves no doubt that, in the end, how few “things” are really important and that it is people …
In The News: Tragic Massacre in Texas Church
At least 27 more innocents murdered and 20 injured in Texas Church.
Thoughts on Las Vegas: Needing the Best of Human Nature
The best of human nature always reveals itself in response to the worst. Compassion, service and a genuine sense of community is the most powerful antidote to the disease of hatred.
Thoughts Las Vegas: Live a Life that Matters
Words, even deep and genuine feelings of compassion, are so impotent in the face of inexplicable and despicable tragedy. So many people have been afflicted by unearned and ongoing pain from the hurricanes and the Las Vegas murders
Thoughts on Las Vegas: Cops Have to be Brave
A gun, a badge, even body armor can’t protect the heart of people who care. Cops have to be brave and tough; they have to run toward the shooter
Thoughts on Las Vegas: The Caring of Strangers
When terrible things happen often all that can protect us or ease our pain is the caring of strangers and the commitment and skill of EMTs, ambulance drivers, police and doctors and nurses. We must celebrate and encourage the best that is in us, not demean our potential with easy cynicism. Human nature is complex but it can be grand …
The Tragedy of Life
The tragedy of life is not so much what we suffer, but what we miss. – Thomas Carlyle
OBSERVATION: You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present. — Jan Glidewell.
Bad things happen to us and around us. Often the best we can do is to limit the harm with a resolve to move forward with open arms.
COMMENTARY: Surviving Grief and Tragedy – The Spark Within 760.4
Here’s the bad news: Virtue isn’t a golden ticket to a pain-free life. Bad things happen to good people as often as they happen to bad people. It seems unfair, but in the natural order of the world, suffering is random. To expect otherwise is to sentence oneself to despondency, disillusionment, bitterness, and anger. Here’s the good news: The magic power that …