“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sales. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sales. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain


A LEADER MUST LEAD When others count on you to lead, failure to decide is a choice – and it’s usually a bad one. Both action and inaction have consequences, but indecisiveness has the added consequence of eroding trust. – Michael Josephson. Of course it is wise to get as much information as you can before you make an impactful …

Your Character Becomes Your Destiny

  Watch your THOUGHTS, for they become words. Watch your WORDS, for they become actions. Watch your ACTIONS, for they become habits. Watch your HABITS, for they become character. Watch your CHARACTER, for it becomes your DESTINY. SaveSave


When others count on you to lead, failure to decide is a choice – and it’s usually a bad one. “Both action and inaction have consequences, but indecisiveness has the added


(Revised 9/5/15) DEFLATING ETHICAL EXPECTATIONS By Michael Josephson* “At its best, athletic competition can hold intrinsic value for our society. It is a symbol of a great ideal: pursuing victory with honor. The love of sports is deeply embedded in our national consciousness. The values of millions of participants and spectators are directly and dramatically influenced by the values conveyed by …

Be Your Child’s Role Model

“Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be.” – David Bly. Role modeling is a 27/7 job. Often its what you do when you don’t think your children are watching that has the most impact.  

Five Things to Teach our Children

Five Things to Teach our Children. 1. Be a good friend 2. Be kind even to those who don’t deserve it. 3. Learn from every experience. 4. Do your share even when others don’t do there’s. 5. Start and finish a job even when you don’t feel like it. Michael Josephson Do you have any others to add?

It’s not what you think; IT’S WHAT YOU DO.

It’s not what you think; IT’S WHAT YOU DO. It’s not who you know, IT’S WHAT YOU KNOW. It’s not who you were; IT’S WHO YOU ARE. It’s not where you’re from; IT’S WHERE YOU’RE GOING. It’s not what you want, IT’S WHAT YOU WORK FOR. –Michael Josephson  

OUTBREAK OF RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP. “All that is necessary to defeat evil is for good people to do something.”

Long ago Edmund Burke observed that “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” Passive acceptance of evil is a serious social disease but there is an antidote called “doing something” and a glimmer of hope that this anti-toxin is spreading, leading to a new aphorism: “All that is necessary to defeat evil …

3 Young Americans Prove That Character Counts Everywhere, All the Time. They are not just heroes, they are ambassadors of America and the power of character.

The solid instincts and courage of the three Americans who disarmed the gunman on the train from Amsterdam to Paris a few days ago is worthy of admiration and appreciation but the way they handled the interviews, their true humility, honesty, generosity and candor was a truly magnificent ac act of diplomacy. They showed what is best about the American …

What is Success?

Few questions have been asked more often by more people. The concept of success and the concept often thought to be its opposite, failure are central to the human quest for meaning and for happiness. Most of us very much want to be successful in our professions, successful in our various family roles and, of course, we would like to …

CHARACTER: You Can Always Get Better

Everyone is ethical in their own eyes. Beware of self delusion when assessing your own character or the ethics of your organization. It’s a dangerous form of hubris to be certain that “I would never do that”  or “It can’t happen here.” It’s easier to make a good organization better than a bad organization good.   – Michael Josephson

CHARACTER: When it comes to character, why can’t everyone be more like me?

Everyone I talk to agrees: this country (company, agency or school) needs more people with good old-fashioned character. You know, the kind of people who place ethics above expediency and integrity over personal advantage, people you can count on to do the right thing even if it may cost them more than they want to pay. The problem is it’s …

Accountability in the Workplace (943.2)

Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time consulting with large companies concerned with strengthening their ethical culture. Although I’m sure the leaders I work with care about ethics and virtue for their own sake, I know the driving force to seek outside assistance is self-interest. The risk of reputation-damaging and resource-draining charges resulting from improper conduct is so high …

The passing of Ron Kinnamon – a great man and great friend

Personal Note: I just learned that a very dear friend, Ron Kinnamon, one of the original board members of the Josephson Institute and a founding father of CHARACTER COUNTS! passed away on July 30. Ron was not only a tremendous personal friend and friend of the Institute he was also one of the finest men I’ve had the fortune to …

A Right To Do

How often do we hear someone defend against an action of wrongdoing by the claim that what they did was within the law? This defense may work n court but not at the gates of heaven. One has a right to do what is legal, that does not mean it is right to do it. The domain of ethics is …

SELF-DISCIPLINE. Self Discipline is the Power to say No to yourself…

SELF-DISCIPLINE. Self Discipline is the Power to say No to yourself, to give up Something now so you will get Something you want even more later. Self discipline can also be called will power referring to the emotional muscles to delay gratification – like this dog and his biscuit – and resist temptations for a larger benefit in the future, …

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it.

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place. – Nora Roberts This is a variation of the Wayne Gretzky comment: “I miss 100% of the shots I don’t take.” Whether it is fear of failure, procrastination, …