I frequently talk about the quest to pursue a life of significance. What does that mean? Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” In a world increasingly dominated by unapologetic selfishness, this idea may seem quaint and outdated. Yet, for those who have a grand vision of their purpose …
2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Honoree
Michael Josephson is honored to be named a 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Honoree by Trust Across America – Trust Around the World. Congrats to his fellow 2019 honorees: Bart Alexander, Richard Fagerlin, Ellen Hunt & Deb Mills-Scofield. See the press release here: https://trustacrossamerica.com/offerings-thought-leaders.shtml Read more about the work the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Honorees are doing here:https://trustacrossamerica.com/offerings-thought-leaders.shtml
True Friends Care
True friends don’t just like you, they care about you. True friends want the best for you and bring out the best in you.
Knowledge is POWER!
Knowledge is POWER! Read more of Michael’s favorite quotes on the importance on never ending learning here –https://whatwillmatter.com/2017/03/best-quotes-ever-teaching-learning-education/
Hate Destroys Values
Let no man pull you low enough to hate him. Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away at its vital unity. Hate destroys man’s sense of values and his objectivity. – MLK Jr. Read more of Michael Josephson‘s favorite quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. here –https://whatwillmatter.com/2017/01/quotes-the-smartest-and-best-things-dr-martin-luther-king-ever-said-58-quotes-worth-reading/
THANK YOU PRESIDENT BUSH. More than ever in my lifetime we are faced between a stark choice of how we see ourselves. There is the message of “America first” grounded in a form of “me first” selfishness that sees competitors, opponents and enemies everywhere. It’s a message that spawns unkind, intolerant and ungenerous attitudes about our fellow human beings. And …
Thousand Points of Light
Let us praise and be grateful for the men and women who seek significance in SERVICE and know that it is both noble and gratifying to dedicate at least a portion of their lives to helping others. “I have spoken of a Thousand Points of Light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing …
Dear Michael, I found this photo of you presenting me with my certificate of completion of your “Ethics Corps“ training in 1991. I still have the three-ring binder with all your notes. It reminded me of how influential you have been to so many including me over more than 30 years. I recall with pleasure your address to our annual …
Don’t Waste Time Wishing
Don’t Waste Time Wishing Many of us spend half our time wishing for things we could have if we didn’t spend half our time wishing.– Alexander WoolcottSubscribe to a weekly newsletter featuring articles and quotes of Michael Josephson atwww.whatwillmatter.com
Who Is Accountable?
IS IT ENOUGH YET? Can we overcome our basest instincts and listen to our better angels? How sad that a good week for me, highlighted by an unlikely unanimous endorsement of CHARACTER COUNTS! by the Senate supported by a Presidential proclamation followed by an exhilarating 18 inning World Series game win makes my small joy and pride seem shallow an …
We Are In A Dangerous Place
WE ARE IN A DANGEROUS PLACE. Rhetoric that stokes anger, whether intentional or careless, unleashes the latent demons of unstable haters. Those who demean calls for civility and respectful discourse as political correctness are not part of a solution, they are a cause of the problem. We must hold our politicians and those of us who empower them accountable to …
US Senate and President Declare: Character Counts Week!. At a time dominated by news of mail bombs and verbal grenades from zealous partisans, who would have thought it was possible that the entire United State Senate and the President could agree that, of all things, that character still counts? Well, it happened through a unanimously endorsed Resolution and Presidential Proclamation declaring the third …
TO CONFIRM OR NOT CONFIRM: A SERIOUS TUTORIAL ON EVIDENCE AND PROOF (You need patience for this law school level article but if you find this helpful please share.) Folks who keep saying there is no evidence supporting Prof Ford’s allegations simply don’t understand the legal standards of evidence and the related concept of the burdens of proof. I hope …
Get in the Game!
Learning is not a spectator sport. Get in the game!
Thoughts on the Life of John McCain
JOHN MCCAIN. Whether you agreed with him or not, he was a man fully and truly worthy of admiration and respect. His physical courage as a POW is legendary but his legacy is his character. He was a true model of responsible and sincere patriotism, moral courage and selfless service. He should be the role model for all of us, …
The Positive Thinker
The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. Read more of Michael Josephson‘s thoughts on keeping a positive attitude here:https://whatwillmatter.com/2016/10/commentary-801-3-convering-pessimists-into-optimists/
Stand Together & Be Kind
Yeah my friends are different. Do you have a problem with that? STAND TOGETHER! Be kind. Read more of Michael Josephson‘s thoughts on being a TRUE friend here: https://whatwillmatter.com/2013/07/poster-quote-true-friendship-a-z-by-michael-josephson/
Stand Up For Yourself
Stand Up For Yourself WHATEVER YOU ALLOW, YOU ENCOURAGE. Stand up for yourself. Subscribe to a weekly newsletter featuring articles and quotes of Michael Josephson atwww.whatwillmatter.com
Be A Builder
Be A Builder The world is full of critics proud of their ability to see flaws and condemn failure. The world needs doers who use the same ability to identify the opportunities in every deficiency. Doers build a better world by seeking solutions. Critics only see problems in every solution. Doers sees flaws and try to fix them; Cynics only …
Magnify Your Influence
The only way to magnify your influence is to motivate others to do what you want done. – Michael Josephson Read more of Michael’s favorite quotes on leadership here: https://whatwillmatter.com/2017/02/50-best-ever-quotes-leadership/
Create a Culture of Kindness
Create a Culture of Kindness Stand together against bullying. Create a culture of kindness. Meanness can’t survive where kindness dwells. Michael Josephson writes more on standing up against bullying in his commentary “The Antidote to Bullying” – https://whatwillmatter.com/2017/01/commentary-meanness-bullying/
A SALUTE TO MOTHERS Motherhood is a profoundly challenging and important life role that dwarfs all others. Being a great mom is a spectacularly difficult achievement. Being a really good mom is just slightly less difficult. And being a good mom most of the time is a truly worthy a accomplishment. Even those who tried and too often, in their …
Count Your Life With Smiles
Count Your Life With Smiles Count the garden by flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll.
Strategic and Tactical Problem Solving
WHAT IS A PROBLEM? According to Michael Josephson who recently presented a series of four workshops on “Strategic and Tactical Problem Solving: Making Decisions That Produce the Best Possible Result” (for more than 120 LAPD Jail detention supervisors and line officers), it’s any situation that can get better. Looked at this way, every problem is a leadership opportunity inviting action that not only …
HOPE: Hang On Pain Ends
HOPE Hang On Pain Ends The light at the end of the tunnel is your life; it’s the tunnel that’s temporary. – Michael Josephson Subscribe to a weekly newsletter featuring articles and quotes of Michael Josephson at www.whatwillmatter.com
Being Alone Doesn’t Mean Being Unhappy
Being Alone Doesn’t Mean Being Unhappy If you want to be happy learn to be alone without being lonely. Learn that being alone does not mean being unhappy. The world is full of plenty of interesting and enjoyable things to do and people who can enrich your life. – Michael Josephson
Crisp as Matzoh Descriptions of the Last Supper
Passover and Easter – Crisp as Matzoh Descriptions of the Last Supper and the Contemporary Holiday Happy Passover and Happy Easter to all those celebrating either or both of these important holidays. Christians know Passover as the the setting for the Last Supper. Though Christians do not still celebrate Passover, modern Jews still do and the nerdy professor in me …
Time and Productivity
There is nothing less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all. – Peter Duker
The Importance of Being Nice
The Importance of Being Nice It’s NICE to be important But it’s more IMPORTANT to be nice – Sir John Marks Tempelton
Missing Someone
Just because you miss someone doesn’t mean you should be with them. Don’t let your feelings cause you to. Read more of Michael Josephson‘s thoughts on relationships here: https://whatwillmatter.com/2016/04/commentary-823-2-fixing-toxic-relationships/