A common management strategy to spur achievement is to set aggressive performance objectives that, like the mechanical rabbits that pace racing greyhounds, push employees to maximum effort. Using “stretch goals” can be successful, but unreasonably high performance goals often spawn dishonesty and irresponsibility. Believing that “it’s a matter of survival,” a disturbing number of employees conclude that distortion, deception, and even …
COMMENTARY: Surviving Grief and Tragedy – The Spark Within 760.4
Here’s the bad news: Virtue isn’t a golden ticket to a pain-free life. Bad things happen to good people as often as they happen to bad people. It seems unfair, but in the natural order of the world, suffering is random. To expect otherwise is to sentence oneself to despondency, disillusionment, bitterness, and anger. Here’s the good news: The magic power that …
When she was six, my daughter Carissa asked, “Do dumb people think they’re smart?” Answering her own question, she added, “They probably do because they’re dumb.” This made me think: “Do bad people think they’re good?” I wouldn’t be surprised if most do. In fact, I think all of us are ethical in our own eyes. The human tendency to rationalize, to …
QUOTE: There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.
REMINDER: If you want to feel good, watch: This TED presentation by Louie Schwartzberg The gratitude dance The follow-up to the gratitude dance I think you will be glad you did.
COMMENTARY: Understanding Gratitude: Gifts From the Heart
According to legend, a young man roaming the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. The water was so sweet he filled his leather canteen so he could bring some back to a tribal elder who had been his teacher. After a four-day journey, he presented the water to the old man, who took a deep drink, smiled warmly, …
WORTH WATCHING: Gratitude Dance — It will make you smile.
I posted this back in November, but it’s so relevant I’m posting it again.
COMMENTARY: Hurrah for Hollywood! This Year’s Crop is Rich in Films that Inform, Move and Inspire 759.3
I know I’m out of my depth as a movie critic, but I am venturing into this new territory because there’s so much criticism about Hollywood that we don’t always give ample credit for the substantial number of truly wonderful movies that teach, move, and inspire, as well as entertain. And from my narrow perspective as an ethicist, I am grateful …
COMMENTARY: Good Ethics is More Than Good Business 759.2
Ethics is a popular topic at corporate meetings today because managers correctly see the benefits. Good things tend to happen to companies that consistently do the right thing, and bad things tend to happen to those that even occasionally do the wrong thing. Being ethical is playing the odds. Ethical companies have a competitive edge because people prefer to deal …
COMMENTARY: How to Change Attitudes and Behavior — “I Can Do It and It’s Worth It.” 758.6
In yesterday’s commentary, I talked about a teacher named Shavonne who was at wits end with several students, including Leon, whose lack of self-control when he became angry or frustrated constantly created trouble. She was certain that nothing short of intense therapy could change his behavior. Changing Leon’s behavior will be a challenge, but it has to start with changing …
About twenty-five years ago, I founded the Joseph & Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics in honor of my parents because I wanted to change the world for the better. My goal and strategy to achieve change is captured in a short mission statement: “To improve the ethical quality of society by changing personal and organizational decision making and behavior.” I …
COMMENTARY: True Friends 757.3
So what are the qualities of a true friend? True friends are good companions, people you enjoy doing things with, but they are also people you just enjoy being with. In true friendships the activity is incidental – it doesn’t matter much what you are doing together as long as you are together. True friends are people you want to …
COMMENTARY: The Treasure of Old Friends 757.2
In my lifetime, I’ve had the good fortune of having a handful of good friends. Each of my four teenage daughters have many hundreds. At least that what they call every Facebook connection they collect like trophies. The list of those kinds of friends includes people they barely know, some they don’t know at all and even some people they …
WORTH READING & WATCHING: Simon & Garfunkel’s “Old Friends”
Simon & Garfunkel “Old Friends” Old friends, old friends sat on their park bench like bookends A newspaper blowin’ through the grass / Falls on the round toes of the high shoes of the old friends Old friends, winter companions, the old men / Lost in their overcoats, waiting for the sun
COMMENTARY: Living a Life That Matters 757.1
I saw a cartoon showing an old king checking in at the gates of heaven. He introduced himself as “Edward The Good.” The gatekeeper with a large book in front of him said, “Well, Eddie, we’ll be the judge of that.” The point is that, in the end, generous self-appraisals won’t matter. Our epitaphs will be written and eulogies delivered …
COMMENTARY: A Mother’s Message About Bullying: Hang in There. It Will Get better. 756.5
While researching the bullying issue for a CHARACTER COUNTS! seminar, I came across Vicky Bell’s blog, where she posted a letter to her daughter in college. I think her advice moving and wise. Here’s an abridged version: Hello my girl. . . You may have heard about the NJ college student who killed himself because his roommate posted a videotape …
Personal Note From Michael Josephson: Closing Out 2011, Entering 2012
As I began to write this note conveying my best wishes to you for a happy and fulfilling New Year, I asked myself whether 2011 was, for me, a good year or a bad year. And, of course, my mind quickly filled with conflicting memories of happy and sad moments, achievements and disappointments, and the recognition that every year has …
ANNOUNCEMENT: New app for iPhone and Android users – What Will Matter on demand!
But I NEVER pay for apps! iPhone and Android smartphone users — this is the right time for an exception. Get Michael Josephson’s new What Will Matter app for only $2.99 (to offset costs of producing and servicing daily commentaries, quotations and more — text, audio, and video). Give yourself the gift of WWM on demand or just get the …
OBSERVATION: I assume some people find Christmas shopping a joyful experience, though the fact that I couldn’t find a good article or video proclaiming this position has made me wonder.
There are plenty of articles about the stress of shopping, and I’ve heard plenty of complaints that the burden of shopping for people who have everything has made the experience anxiety-producing. Then, of course, is the question of who outside your immediate family you need to buy gifts for and how much you need to spend. Finally, the whole issue …
WORTH READING: What You Should Know About Behavior Modification
What is Behavior Modification and Can it Help My Family? Re-printed from BetterParenting.com By Chris Oldenburg You might have heard the term listening to a self-help parenting CD, or watching an interview with parenting experts: behavior modification. But, how can behavior modification help you as a parent if you don’t really know what it is? It might be used as …
WORTH WATCHING: “What’s the Matter With Kids Today?” from Bye, Bye Birdie (1960)
Lyrics: Kids! I don’t know what’s wrong with these kids today! Kids! Who can understand anything they say? Kids! They are so ridiculous and immature! I don’t see why anybody wants ’em! Just you wait and see
WORTH WATCHING: CNN Heroes – Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things to Improve the World
I think CNN Heroes is one of the most inspirational and impact media initiatives I’ve seen. View the videos on the CNN Heroes website. If you are a teacher, I hope you will share these stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things to improve the world.
WORTH WATCHING: Great Hitter or Pitcher?-It’s a Matter of Perspective
This is a terrific short video of the story told in today’s commentary.
Achievements and Challenges: A Personal Note from Michael
Dear Friend, This has been a year full of great achievements and challenges. On the achievement side, the Josephson Institute and CHARACTER COUNTS! have expanded our impact on children and the nation through the introduction of CHARACTER COUNTS! 4.0 (a major upgrade in strategy and services). We have begun to restore the best of Puerto Rico’s ethical culture with Tus …